Differentiating Biases from Prejudices - Third Quarter – Week 1
Determining the Relevance and the Truthfulness of the Ideas Presented in the Material Viewed - Third Quarter - Week 2 (Main and Supporting Ideas)
Determining the Relevance and the Truthfulness of Ideas Presented in the Materials Viewed - Third Quarter –Week 3
Determining the Relevance and the Truthfulness of the Ideas Presented in the Materials Viewed - Third Quarter – Weeks 4 & 5 (Judge the Relevance and Worth of Ideas Presented in a Viewing Material)
Judging the Validity of the Evidence Listened To Third Quarter –Week 6 (Types of Evidence used to support points in various listening materials)
Third Quarter: Week 8 - (Steps in Analyzing and Evaluating Evidence)
Q3 USLEM Filipino 9 Week 1
Q3 USLEM Filipino 9 Week 2
Q3 USLEM Filipino 9 Week 3
Q3 USLEM Filipino 9 Week 4
Q3 USLEM Filipino 9 Week 5
Q3 USLEM Filipino 9 Week 6
Q3 USLEM Filipino 9 Week 7
Q3 USLEM Filipino 9 Week 8