External Resources 


Creative Commons

CC Search is a tool that allows openly licensed and public domain works to be discovered and used by everyone. Creative Commons, the nonprofit behind CC Search, is the maker of the CC licenses, used over 1.4 billion times to help creators share knowledge and creativity online. CC Search searches across more than 300 million images from open APIs and the Common Crawl dataset. It goes beyond simple search to aggregate results across multiple public repositories into a single catalog, and facilitates reuse through features like machine-generated tags and one-click attribution.

OER Commons (teacher resources)

OER for K-12 Educators. With the shared teaching tools and strategies, educators are able to adjust their content, pedagogies, and approach based on their learners, without the limitations of “all rights reserved”.

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg eBooks require no special apps to read, just the regular Web browsers or eBook readers that are included with computers and mobile devices. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works under public domain.

Project Gutenberg was the first provider of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and his memory continues to inspire the creation of eBooks and related content today.

PDF Drive

Give books away. Get books you want. PDF Drive contains eBooks that are organized in various categories and tags that help you discover your next read easily. You can read them anytime offline by downloading for free.

United Nations

UNESCO Digital Library

The UNESCO Digital Library is the repository of UNESCO’s institutional memory and a source of high-quality information on UNESCO activities (in education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and communication and information), with more than 350,000 documents dating back to 1945. It includes the collections of the UNESCO Library and several documentation centres in UNESCO’s Field Offices and Institutes, as well as the UNESCO Archives. The essential purpose of the UNESCO Digital Library is to share knowledge and to transmit it to future generations.


Encyclopedia Britannica

PD Info

Roylaty Free Music Library


The UNESCO Digital Library is the repository of UNESCO’s institutional memory and a source of high-quality information on UNESCO activities (in education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and communication and information), with more than 350,000 documents dating back to 1945. It includes the collections of the UNESCO Library and several documentation centres in UNESCO’s Field Offices and Institutes, as well as the UNESCO Archives. The essential purpose of the UNESCO Digital Library is to share knowledge and to transmit it to future generations.